Thursday, July 23, 2015

Chapter Six: What's up with Greensboro?

Good morning y'all.  Thursday already!

So what's up with Greensboro anyway?  Greensboro is a city of about 230,000 located in central North Carolina.  It's about 20 miles east of Winston Salem and 50 miles west of Durham.  Three-and-a-half hours driving will get you to the beach or the mountains, your choice.  Greensboro is the headquarters of Gilbarco, the gas station pump people, and Greensboro is also the source of Vicks products.  Greensboro College is located between the edge of a compact downtown business district, and a sort of Roland Park residential area,  There are a couple of other colleges in town, most notably UNC Greensboro which has 16,000 students.  Greensboro College has 1,200.

I have been caught off guard by the morning, midday and evening playing of the hymn Eternal Father Strong to Save on Alumni Plaza (The Quad), and have searched for an explanation without a lot of success.  A lady I assume to be a faculty member said she believes it to be the school song.

Last night there was a three hour block of free time for the church groups to use as they saw fit,  Our group selected Celebration Station, a go-kart, bumper boat, mini golf, arcade operation.  Decent go-karts and nicely maintained golf courses.  But the hysterical thing was the payouts on the arcade games.  You win!  2000 tickets!  Stand here for ten minutes while twenty feet of tickets are coughed out to you!  We had several big winners who carried wheelbarrows of tickets over the the prize area to claim a plastic pig or other valuable items.  It was a fun time.

Yesterday a number of the campers and adults were remembered by the clients of the mission site.  Our mission there is mainly to brighten days that could use a little brightening.  I wonder if that would be their days?  Or ours?

I struck up a conversation with Ann, one of the care providers, and of course she was lovely.  She had retired as a prison guard and said she has to be careful in this job to emphasize the loving side of human interaction.  I asked where she was from and of course she spent the first 40 years of her life in Baltimore.  Small world, isn't it?
It's Celebration Station!

Duncan G and a fellow Passport camper rock the Bumper Boats at Celebration Station

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